Umbrella FAQs
Your questions answered
Here to help
Our team has unrivalled experience in delivering first-class umbrella services. Please do get in touch to ask a question if it’s not covered below.
How quick is the set-up process?
The set-up process with our friendly expert team is very quick indeed, usually less than ten minutes. However, if there are things you would like to discuss in further detail we will be only too pleased to spend whatever time is needed to further clarify things for you.
Do you have an online portal?
What does it cost to use your services?
What expenses can I claim?
What insurances does Crest Plus have?
What happens with holiday pay?
What are the deductions from my pay?
What is the Apprenticeship Levy?
What is pension auto-enrolment?
Can I pay into my personal pension or use SIPPs?
How do I view my payslips?
What do I do with my Limited Company?
Do you offer a Tax Return service?
Are you a member of any professional body?
What benefits does Crest Plus offer?